Download custom hoodies
Download custom hoodies

Should you need help, we are happy to provide assistance and support. These are included in the price as well as the player names and player numbers of your teammates. Graphics, designs or the crest of your basketball team can be easily inserted via drag & drop and then freely positioned in the 3D jersey designer. It doesn’t matter if your court is indoors or on the street. You can also use special patterns and gradients to create unique designs that are second to none. Our colour palette of more than 50 colours can be used to tailor your basketball product to suit your needs. Every aspect of your basketball jersey can be customised in the 3D builder.

download custom hoodies

With the help of our 3D kit designer you can customise your basketball kit down to the smallest detail – from your tank tops and shooting shirts to basketball trousers. Is your basketball team looking for new basketball kits for the upcoming season? Then spized is the right place for you.

Download custom hoodies